22 Mar 2018

On Sunday 11th March 2018, Georgie and Rhiannon travelled to Sydney to go to the National Young Leader's Conference. We travelled to Wagga Wagga in Mr Powter's car. When we got there, we had to board a REX plane that was very small! When it was time for lift off, it was very bumpy as the plane went down the runway very fast.
Georgie and Rhiannon listened to what the flight attendant had to say about safety and after that, we listened to music. After about 60 minutes of flying, we could see water, which was the ocean near Sydney. It was really cool! Georgie thought that the plane was going to go down but we were fine. When we landed, it smelt like ocean water because the Sydney airport is right next to the ocean. We went inside the airport and met up with Mark Jagers who was our free taxi driver. Mr. Jagers drove us to our hotel where we dropped of our luggage so we could go to the Powerhouse Museum. The Powerhouse Museum was massive! We saw some pretty dresses and had a turn at Virtual Reality, which was weird.
There was a big light exhibition where we played hopscotch and when we stepped on it made a noise and lit up. There was a scanner that when you coloured in a person you have to scan it and it came up on a big screen for everyone to see. It was fun. After the light exhibition, we went over to a little place where you could make stuff with clay. These kids thought that Mr. P was staff member because he was wearing his Y.P.S staff shirt. It was pretty funny because Mr. P played along.
We went out of the museum to go find food. We found a little café outside of the Powerhouse Museum so we went there. Georgie and I got a bucket of hot chips and played on the play equipment. Next adventure was LUNA PARK! We went there on a ferry. We stayed there for a couple hours and went on heaps of rides including a rollercoaster, Cony Island and even a haunted house. Then we went back to the ferry port to wait for our ferry. IT TOOK FOREVER! But finally,, one came. We walked back to the hotel after we got back off the ferry. We stayed there for a bit then we went to get dinner at the Hard Rock Café. The food was really good. Then after dinner we went back to the apartments to go to bed. The next morning we got up to get ready for the Young Leaders Conference. We walked over to the place it was being held and we sat down for the start of the conference. Dj Raph greeted us and his friend named Jemma. We listened to them for a bit then our first speaker came on to the stage his name was John and he had no legs. He taught us about resilience and bullying. The next speakers name was Lauren Cheadle. She plays for the Sydney 6ers. She told us to always follow our dreams. The next speaker was Harrison Craig who helped us to set some goals. Georgie even got to ask him a question! Then the final speaker was Matt Cosgrove who showed us his journey of becoming an author. After that we went to the airport and flew home. We had so much fun and wish we could go to Sydney again.