Using technology at Yanco Public School
A major upgrade of technology has been undertaken over the past two years at Yanco Public School. This has included:
- The installation of a wireless network to service all classrooms within the school.
- The purchase and installation of 10 notebook computers.
- The purchase and installation of new desktop computers in the K/1/2 classroom.
- The installation and replacement of computers in the computer laboratory.
- The purchase of a set of 20 ipads.
Software can be very expensive. However there is a lot of very good quality software available on the Internet for free. Here are some links for you to download your free software.
- OpenOffice - compatible with Microsoft Office but free.
- PaintdotNet - a great graphics program instead of Adobe Paintshop
- Scribus - a desktop publishing program instead of Microsoft Publisher
Students can click on these links for sites that they use at school.